Hi Thomas,

   On Saturday, November 25, 2000 @ 10:11:18 -0500, you wrote the
   following about "using RexExp in filters"

Thomas>> You would put it into the "String" condition. when you have
Thomas>> ticked Regular Expressions under Options, the String
Thomas>> condition will be interpreted as a RegEx and not as a string.

I am reading a book on RegExp with little luck as I'm afraid its a
little above my head but I'm trying with a very simple filter that is
not working. Perhaps you or someone else can tell me what's wrong.

I created a "test" filter & a "test" folder
The "test"filter was to send filtered files to the "test" folder under
filtered circumstances

The filter is for Incoming Mail (at the bottom of the list)
Under options tab, regular expressions was selected
Action = move to "test" folder

The test filter rule I constructed is:
string = ^[^JjAaNn]   location = kludges   present = no

The regexp was meant to express:
At the beginning of the string
If not J (or) j followed by A (or) a followed by N (or) n
is found in the kludges
then send to "test" folder

What's the matter with this simple regexp? TIA

Jan Rifkinson
Ridgefield, CT USA
TB! 1.47 Halloween Edition

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