What an astounding piece of news!!

The Bat! as a browser??!!

Now, I'm sure that all the European encodings would be supported by a
Bat! browser, as is their good tradition -- however, a Bat! browser
would have to have a similarly developed functionality as Opera has.
(At least as good).

See, I really love Opera when it comes to webpages in English, German
etc. But if you can't even read pages in your own language, it sucks.

Another thing that sucks is the impossibility to assign your own
keyboard shortcuts in Opera. Opera's developers have decided that "F9"
and "F8" will be used for changing focus between address line and
browser window -- and that's it. You're stuck with it.

Now, The Bat!'s email client promises for the upcoming (and long in
the making) Version 2 that each user will be able to assign their own
keyboard shortcuts. (As now you can do in EditPlus or HomeSite or MS

I think Opera should enable customizable keyboard shortcuts, too.

Another awkward thing in Opera is its handling of bookmarks. I dislike
Internet Explorer, but it's great that once you press ALT+A (A for
Favourites) on the keyboard in Internet Explorer and then the first
letter of a bookmark's title, the bookmarked page immediately opens in
the browser window.

In Opera this doesn't work, you've got to grope for the bookmark you
want with your mouse of with the arrow keys, losing precious time
every time you need to open a bookmark in Opera. (Opera shares this
weakness with Netscrape Confusicator. However, Netscrape have made
themselves so laughable with their hair-raising Version 6 that it's a
waste of breath to be at all mentioning the demise of their once
admired browser.)

Alex. of Slovakia

On Monday, December 25, 2000 at 19:44:50 (GMT -0600),
which was Tuesday 2:44 a.m. in Bratislava, Slovakia,
Douglas Hinds wrote in his 1534 bytes heavy email:

DH> Hello Angelwerx & other fellow Opera Users following this thread,

DH> Friday, December 22, 2000,  you stated regarding Christopher J.
DH> Trybowski  writing:

CJT>> << RITLabs and their email client [being] from the very
CJT>> beginning internationally enabled. Some weeks ago they
CJT>> introduced Unicode support (reading only) and it took them just
CJT>> a few beta versions - no more than two months.
CJT>> ... Opera. We have version 5.0 and it's still without
CJT>> international charsets support...

Acc>> Since the rumor is that Ritlabs will be introducing a browser
Acc>> nest Spring I'd guess there might be a newly kindled fire in
Acc>> the cold Norwegian winter regarding Unicode and character sets.
Acc>> <g>

DH> This just came in from a TBUDL moderator in answer to:

ACM>> On Mon, 25 Dec 2000 18:28:41 -0600, Douglas Hinds thoughtfully
ACM>> wrote the following:

DH>> Someone on the opera-users list mentioned The Bat!'s including a
DH>> browser w/ v. 2. Can anyone confirm this?

ACM>> I've personally never heard this. I've, however, heard that
ACM>> Ritlabs was considering creating a standalone browser as
ACM>> another of their products. Newsreader support was also
ACM>> mentioned as being considered, but, if my memory serves, only
ACM>> as a plug-in. 

> @~@========================================================@~@
ACM>>    A. Curtis Martin  [List Moderator TBUDL/TBBETA]      :

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