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        On 01 January, 2001, 3:29 PM, I saw Manfred's comments made on
 Mon, 1 Jan 2001 20:17:04 +0000, and thought I'd add my $0.02 worth:

George>> The signature is mine and it stays no matter what.

This is a disturbing attitude to have. I'd assume that we write messages
for others to read and if *anyone* has problems with our messages, we
should take it very seriously, unless the complainant is writing from a
terminal in a padded cell. If one person complains, then it's very
likely that others, like myself in this case, also have a problem but
are perhaps being less vocal about it. I've been pondering the issue and
was about to say something on it, but Tony beat me to it.

George>> As for the size of the PGP signature block, I have little
George>> control.

I grant you that.

George>> And finally, in the nicest way possible, I doubt the extra 5k
George>> is killing anyone. However, this is all a little off subject
George>> though and probably should have never been posted to the list.

There are two concepts here that you should consider. The first is that
every byte counts and they eventually accumulate. The other is that if
you're allowed a liberty, then everyone else should be granted the same
liberties and we should be prepared to face the consequences of
everyone taking such liberties.

Let's deal with the 5k extra that shouldn't kill anyone. That extra 5k's
per each of your message is sent to each and every member of this list.
5Kb's extra to 500 members equals 2.5MB's of extra, unnecessary
information transfer across the network. That's for just one of your
messages. What if everyone decides to have a signature like yours???!!!
I also keep the list traffic on my hard drive and shudder at the thought
of unnecessary space wastage because everyone decides to make their
signatures longer than their messages. I have about 30000 TBUDL/TBBETA
messages here. 30000 x 5kb is 150 MB. I'll leave the rest to your

It's therefore not surprising, that this has been addressed in the RFC's
netiquette guidelines which state that your signature should be no more
than 6 lines long. This is more than adequate for you to convey the
information you think is important enough to be transmitted with *each
and every* message that you send. Your signature is 17 lines long and
this doesn't include the PGP digital signature block.

I am therefore requesting that for these lists, TBUDL and TBBETA, you
cut down the length of your signatures and please realize that there are
practical issues of wasted bandwidth behind such a request and that we
merely take pleasure out of harassing and censoring your behaviour.

ME> IMHO PGP signing is OK for *important* stuff. The Q&A's on this list
ME> are hardly *that* important to get signed.
ME> And I think Tony has a point here. Moderators please...

I personally pgp sign my messages because I'm a list moderator and also
because of the potential nature of my posts, this one being a prime

While we, the moderators, do agree that digitally signing posts to the
list is probably unnecessary, we don't believe in stifling the
memberships freedom in practicing message authentication. This is
becoming an increasingly important issue in the internet community.
Members are therefore free to digitally sign their messages. S/MIME
signing is not allowed, since the S/MIME public key is included with
every signature making each message unacceptably large for each post.

- --
 |     A. Curtis Martin  [List Moderator TBUDL/TBBETA]      |
 | PGPKey: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?Subject=SendAlliePGPKey |
@_@   (Opinions given are mine and not those of RITLABS)   @_@
TB! v1.49 Beta/1 | Windows NT 5.00.2195 (Service Pack 1)

Version: PGP 6.5.8
Comment: Digitally signed for sender and message authentication.


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