On Thursday, January 04, 2001, 4:38:09 PM, Olivier Reubens wrote:

 Under Account Properties, "Transport",
>>simply specify the SMTP server of whichever ISP you have that DOES
>>allow relaying & is most reliable.
OR> NONE of the  ISP's in Belgium allow relaying.
OR> If you know of a provider /smtp server that I could use for relaying,
OR> it may be a solution...

It doesn't matter what account you are using on TB, what matters is
what CONNECTION you have. Choose whichever ISP is the most reliable
for you to connect to, and then use that one for all SMTP. When you
are logged on, it is not considered relaying. What is a problem if
your connection is with ISP-1 and you try to send mail to the SMTP for
>>OR> Am I supposed to make a new mail account for each of my mail accounts
>>OR> (which I get via one and the same POP3 loginname)
>>OR> I haven't found an alternate way to make other "from" mail names.
>>Just right click on the folder where you are replying from, and choose
>>"Properties" - you can set everything under the tab marked "Identity".
OR> The inbox, outbox, sent... only has a "general" tab.  Is it something
OR> only available in the registered version ?

The registered version is the same as the trial.

What you have to do is create another folder or subfolder, filter all
the incoming mail into that subfolder, and then set the subfolder
properties. You will see that you have a lot more options for setting
properties of folders & subfolders.


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