This message: 08/01/2001 18:18 GMT.

Hello Michal,

  A reminder of what Michal ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) typed on:
  08 January 2001 at 14:25:38 GMT +0100

MK> And once-more: Is it possible to restore TB! data without making a
MK> first account (by TB! wizard)???

  How to back up and restore TB! seems to be one of the most common
  questions. This question is becoming more regular as more people join
  the list. I feel as if I'm answering it on a weekly basis.

  Maybe the moderators could compile and FAQ to include the tried and
  trusted methods of backup and restore. TB's internal backup/restore
  facility seems to be proving very unreliable at this stage.

  For now Michal, look in the archives. You'll find the answer to this
  question well documented.

Best regards,    Tony.                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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