Sabtu, sore sore,
[ milis thebat!..]
                             « rest snipped »
> According to my Kamus, the word "challenge" is "tantangan" in Bahasa.
                                          .. Thomas said
 You mean in "Bahasa Indonesia" ? Bahasa means "Languange"
> I challenge Nick to convince me. If he succeeds, I'll sign my messages
> on this list, and I'll buy him a beer.
 heee..he, I hate bear, in my religion it's can't be drunk
> It is not HTML, but it is made to look like HTML. It is actually plain
> text, and I say the challange starts at this point, and ends at the
> other. You can put anything you want into the HTML-like delimiters, for
> example:

> <funny voice>
> ...some text...
> </funny voice>
                                          .. Thomas said
 I seee.. I know it now,
 I can make this example:
  are you chicken ?

 with this I can make it from QUickTemplate,
 fight <ctrl><space>

> which makes sense only to humans but not to computers. Understand?
                                          ..Thomas said.
 Yesssss, I undestand it very Much..!
 So Much I don't understand from you all in this world, somebody
 please tell me what this sign

si sepay, yang nulis sore sore
solid snake mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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