Hello Januk,

On Tuesday, January 02, 2001 18:16:46 [GMT -0800], you wrote the
following in regards to 'Mass mailing using template':

Januk> [...] You can also use regular expressions to get some flexibility too.  For
Januk> example, I have the following greeting macro so that I get "Hi ..." if
Januk> you're in my address book, and "Hello ..." if you're not.

Januk> %SETPATTREGEXP="(?(?=Hi\s;;)Hi\s;;(.*)|(.*);;)"%REGEXPMATCH="Hi

  This is a wonderfully useful RegExp except I came across the
  following, somewhat humorous, situation.

  I was replying to a person who is in my AB who is also a member of an
  eGroups Mail list. The Mail List AB entry has a reply template that
  includes the above regexp. It worked beautifully with a very friendly
  "Hi" greeting to the list name instead of the person.

  Can you suggest some possible solutions to this dilemma? Or should I
  resort to using an ABnnnPPP greeting like:

  Many thanks.

Jan Rifkinson
Ridgefield, CT USA
Using TB! v1.49
ICQ 41116329

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