On Wednesday, January 24, 2001, 3:14:06 PM, Marck wrote:

> No,  it doesn't apply. I have been leaving my mail on the server
> for 0 days  (that's  until  midnight, same day) and have received
> *no* dupes under that condition. My POP3/SMTP server is on the LAN
> here so I have next  to no connection problem (he said, fresh from
> fixing a BNC cable in the lounge that had taken out the entire
> network <g>).

That figures. I never had this problem when I lived on campus (with
ethernet connection). After moving out and switching to cable modem,
it's no longer the same. I was hoping @Home (which took over our
cable modem network) would be better, but so far my experience (and
Nick's experience) isn't exactly encouraging. :-(

ML>> Where does the difficulty lies, then, for TB to remember which
ML>> has been downloaded, when a connection is broken, except maybe
ML>> the last one?

> Because  we're  talking  about a mail that TB believed it had deleted.
> The  delete  instruction  never  arrived  at the server so the message
> stayed there and looked to TB like "fresh meat".

Hmmm, in the case where mail is left on the server for n day, the
deletion happens only when TB collects mail for the first time after
midnight. Therefore, if there's any discrepancy, it should happen
only right after that (unless it still couldn't delete mail properly
in the second try). The experience here (both my wife's and mine)
seems that we could get dupes through out the day, and usually (if
not all) right after there was an aborted session. Since it's
midday, TB shouldn't try to delete anything, and shouldn't have any
problem remembering what's downloaded even if a POP session is

> I  could  be  wrong  about  this  but  I don't think that I am. I
> have received  unexpected dupes in TB but they have certainly
> arrived at my server as dupes.

That's not the case here. I often check the server (with mail
dispatcher) when I see a dupe, and haven't seen a real dupe so far.
TB simply re-collects the same mail. Well, I'll look more closely
next time. With the condition of my @Home connection, I think I'll
see this again soon enough.

Best regards,

The Bat! 1.49c | Win2k SP1

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