Hello Jan and other TBUDLS,

On Monday, February 12, 2001 at 09:25:13 -0500 Jan wrote on "TB! v1.49 -
bypassing the group to a folder":

Jannik>> [...]it is not possible to have an entry for "Jan Rifkinson" and one
Jannik>> for "Jannik Lindquist" if they both contain the same address, say
Jannik>> "[EMAIL PROTECTED]". [...] So, I am suggesting, that you might
Jannik>> have two similar addresses for different entries in your AB - not
Jannik>> necessarily in the same group [...]

JR>   OK, now I understand what you were trying to say. To test for this I
JR>   did a universal search <F7> for an AB address entry that exhibited this
JR>   problem. Search result revealed only one AB entry. That would seem
JR>   to disprove your assumption.

Yes. But that leaves me out of ideas :-(

Jannik>> If you - or anyone else - know of a way of allowing special templates
Jannik>> for members of a mailing list, I'd very much like to hear about it

JR>   I regularly reply to people who are members of a mailing list,
JR>   addressing each personally using the ABnnnPPP macro.

JR>   When I want to construct a personalized form letter to different members
JR>   of the same mailing list, I use a mass mail template.

JR>   Is that what you mean?

What I mean is this: Some people - like our own good Allie - uses initials in
their address-name. And so, using a %OFROMFNAME-macro results in something like
this: "On (date) A. wrote on (subject):". I was merely trying to find a general
solution for this - and it seems that this shall be my occasion for a journey
into the dark world of macros and RegEx's :-)

Best regards,
Jannik Lindquist

The Bat! 1.49
Windows 98 4 10 2222  A 

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