On Tuesday, February 13, 2001, Lars Geiger wrote the
following about "Getting Norton to "see" TB!"

>> I'm running Norton 2001 AV, but I cannot get it to "see" TB!,
>> so I cannot configure it to check e-mail as it comes in. TB! is
>> my default mailer, and is listed that way in MSIE's
>> Tools/Internet Options/Programs page. But when I open Norton to
>> the e-mail setup page, TB! is not listed as one of the choices.
>> I'd like to clue Norton in. (^_-)

LG> Well, TB! isn't known to Norton AV as a MUA. It can't change
LG> TB!'s configuration even if it is registered as the default
LG> mailer on your system. There should be a section in the help file
LG> about manual configuration of mailers to use Norton AV.

LG> If you can't find it (I couldn't but I didn't search very hard),
LG> feel free to ask again and I'll try to recall the steps for
LG> manual settings.

Its pretty simple. First, make sure you have Norton AV e-mail scanning
set for "Enable Manual Configuration"
(Options-Internet-EmailProtection-Advanced).  This enables a local
POP proxy service on your machine.

Then, in your account settings, (under transport) set the Receive Mail
mail server to "Pop3.norton.antivirus" (There should be a mapping in
your local hosts file for this, it was created by enabling manual
configuration above).

Lastly, change your Receive Mail User Name (on the transport tab) from
"<username>" to "<username>/<your real POP3 server FQDN or IP>".

I use this setup, and it works well enough.  My only complaint is that
Norton is dead slow with updates.  My corporate InterScan installation
was detecting all those VBS attachments yesterday, but Norton only
released an update for this today ... But that is not really related
to the bat, so 'nuff said about that ...

Best Regards,


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