Hello Jerry,
26.02.2001 you wrote:
JC> Hello TBUDL,
JC> Has anybody had any success synchronizing TB with a Palm
JC> handheld?
I have. The suggestions are like that:
1. TB! _must_ be set as default mail client in
Internet/Programs page in Windows Control Client. It is a good
idea to run TB! from command line with the switch /InstallMAPI
at least once. Alternatively, you can use the program fixmapi
from the Net (unfortunately I don't have a link). Reboot. Win98
do not accept changes before that (from experience) and I don't
know about W2K.
2. Palm mail conduit can synchronize with a single account
only. It's not the case with other mail applications but I
found standard Palm Mail the most convenient client. So I had
to create a dummy account (named "To Palm", isn't it a
surprize:) to synchronize with. In all "real" accounts I
created a _manual_ filter that copies all unread messages that
are newer than 1 day old from the corresponding Inbox to //To
Palm/Inbox. Thus, if I don't read the message on the computer,
I manually copy it to the Palm and read it there. I suggest you
to follow my example 'cause I draw it from experience to be the
most flexible solution.
3. Now I use PalmDesktop 4. The previous version uses a bit
different format of synch.ini file but it should be
transparent. So, perform mail setup with your Palm software.
Choose either Eudora or Outlook 4 or MS Exchange (if you use
Palm Desktop 3 -- frankly I just don't remember, just try one
way or another; with PD4 use Eudora 3 settings). Edit the
synch.ini file in your Palm data folder in order the fields
"Profile", "UserAccount" and "PostOffice" contain the name of
TB!'s account you want to synchronize. Interface or protocol
fields should be "MAPI32". See my synch.ini file as example.
Just remember it is for Palm Desktop 4 version!
4. Be patient. Synchronization with The Bat! is real slow! Just
wait while nothing moves on HotSynch window etc. It will be
successful some day;-)! That's why I set "Do Nothing" as my
default mail action in HotSynch! I normally synchronize only
once or two time a day.
Best regards,
Serge Skorokhodov mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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