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On March 10, 2001, at 3:54:22 PM, Jan Henning Thiel Wrote:
> I wanted to send somebody a PGP-encrypted message. Therefor I would
> need his public key. He published that key on his webpage, but how do
> get this webpage into my computer?
> I already tried to write it in a TXT file and tried to import, I also
> sent myself a mail containing this key. Both times TheBat claims that
> there's no PGP-key ....
Do you actually have PGP installed as a separate Program on your Computer,
or are you using the built-in PGP? If it's the former, copy his Public Key
block to your Clipboard. Start PGPTray, and choose Clipboard/Decrypt and
Verify... that should give you the Import Key dialogue box, allowing you
to import the Key into PGPKeys.
If you are using the internal version of PGP, then copy the Clipboard to a
self-addressed empty message, send it, then on receipt use Tools/PGP/PGP
Decrypt. That should be bring you to the same dialogue box as in the first
-=N.J. Andriash | Vancouver, B.C. Canada=-
[ TB! v1.52 Beta 1 | Win 98 SE 4.10 2222 A ]
[ GnuPG v1.0.4-1 (MingW32) | Key ID: 0x7BA3FDCE ]
Version: GnuPG v1.0.4-1 (MingW32) - GnuPGshell v1.60
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