On Tuesday, March 20, 2001 at 11:30:31 -0500 Jan Rifkinson wrote:

>   However, the two programs which seem to contribute most often to
>   a system shut down have been Explorer 5.5 & The Bat! That's why
>   I brought this problem to the list to begin with. First it was
>   the canvas handle error msg & then the latest. If you (or anyone
>   else) has a notion of how/why TB! might be in conflict by the
>   error msg I supplied I'd appreciate your input.

I'm no expert, but I'm afraid the error msg doesn't say much. Access
violation could be caused by a bunch of things, and unless you have
a debugger to see who is trying to access what in the memory,
nothing much can be discerned from the msg per se.

If I have to guess, the mapi32.dll installed by TB might be in
conflict with other MAPI servers/clients, IF (and it's a big if) the
problem is really caused by TB. It's just pure speculation, though.

>   If I start from scratch, I'm considering a Win2000 installation
>   which I understand is the most stable of the MS OS products. This
>   will definitely cause me start from scratch as I'm told I will have
>   to re-format my HD although I'm not sure why.

If you want to use NTFS, reformatting your HD is a necessity.
Otherwise, it's not. Still, it's a good idea. It makes sure you get
rid of everything installed under WinME. (Win2k also use "%system
drive\Program Files" as the default program directory, so if you mix
two OS on one partition, you'll end up with a mixed c:\program file

Another point to consider: you have a big HD, why not divide it into
several partitions. At least, separating program partition and data
partition would simplify backup jobs significantly.

>   No matter, I'd be interested in DLing the 'InCtrl' utility if you
>   can point me to your archived msg that relates to it as I'd like to
>   read it.

It's a free PC Magazine utility, and you'll find them on ZDNet. Mine
is InCtrl5 version 1.0, which I'm not sure is the newest. (Could be,
it's released last December.) If you want to use it on Win2k, make
sure you get InCtrl5 or higher. Earlier versions have some minor
problem with Win2k registry. (I believe some versions of InCtrl3 and
InCtrl4 are still on ZDNet, because they're treated as different
utilities, not different versions of the same utility--a stupid
error by the naming scheme, IMHO.)

Ming-Li>> Since yours is a Dell machine, I bet many things have been
Ming-Li>> preinstalled for you, right? That makes it even harder to debug.

>   A real PITA.

A friend once called me for help for she couldn't connect to the
Internet with her new Dell machine. I checked and found a hole on
the back of the machine. It turned out they didn't install the NIC.
The worst part was, the NIC was IN the machine; it's just not fixed
on a expansion slot! IOW, it had been floating and banging around
inside the machine all the way to her. So much for the no. 1 brand.

Best regards,

The Bat! 1.52 Beta/1 | Win2k SP1

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