
I have TheBat! installed on my HP Pavilion 8754c, PIII-800/192MB/30GB,
running WindowsME. I had no problems installing this application. I am
currently evaluating The Bat! versus OLE 5.5 ;-)

Like your DELL machine, mine came with a bunch of applications pre-installed
and no stand-alone Windows ME CD-ROM (this is MS' new policy... only a set
of three "restore" CD-ROMs).

I do use "InCtrl 5" (do a web search and you will find it... a ZD Net
application). It is a great tool to track what is being placed where and
what is being changed during an installation.

Sorry about the lack of info regarding your "access violation" problem, but
I wanted to mention that The Bat! does work great in Windows ME.

By the way, if your computer is brand new (i.e. no new stuff), it might be
worthwhile to run your "DELL system restore CDs"... maybe something went

Bruno (Oceanside, California)

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jan Rifkinson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, March 19, 2001 6:06 PM
Subject: TB! v1.51 - Access Violation

> OK Bat Fans, Here's a test.
>   Tell me what the following means & what some possible causes might
>   be:
>   'Access Violation @ address BFF6BB07, Write of address 009DF750'
>   System:
>   Dell 8100
>   OS: Win Me
>   CPU: Pentium 1.3 mgz
>   HD: 60 gig (49 free)
>   RAM: 384 meg
>   I've been getting a # of error msgs on all kinds of programs & I'm
>   trying to sort them out to see if there is a common denominator.
>   TIA
> --
> Jan Rifkinson
> Ridgefield, CT USA
> Using TB! v1.51
> ICQ 41116329
> --
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