On Thursday, April 05, 2001 at 23:38:18 +0800 Thomas wrote:
> I just watched myself reading the new messages on this list. What
> I do is, I read in the preview pane, have set "no thread mode",
> and sort by "received / descending". I go through the message
> hitting the space bar in (more or less) regular intervals.
For a discussion list, I prefer threaded mode, especially with lists
where threading works well (like TB lists). Whether to read in
preview pane or to open a folder view window depends on how many
messages there're to read. When plenty, I prefer the folder view
widow, for it rids the account tree pane and gives me more
information on the message list pane. (I generally don't use the
gray message header pane.) Yet as I said, the lack of the folder
menu is inconvenient.
ML>> The lack of some navigation shortcuts (Ctrl-Up or Down) in the
ML>> main window doesn't make sense, either.
> What do they (not) do?
In folder view, when the message body pane is in focus, Ctrl-Up or
Down moves the focus the the message above or below the current one
in the message list. It's basically the same as the Up or Down key
(without Ctrl) when the focus is in the message list pane.
Why would one want to put focus in the message body pane, you may
ask? Well, e.g., to search in the message body. Or sometimes I close
the message list pane (to give more space to the body), or sometimes
I want to scroll up with keyboard (spacebar works well only when you
keeps scrolling down).
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