On Wed, 11 Apr 2001 at 17:45:26 +0200 Anton Sommer wrote:

> I don't know, what external program I use.
> I just open TB, read my emails, send some emails.
> And really nothing else. Attachments - seldom.

Do you receive html messages with lots of graphics? They might need
to be saved as temp files to be handled (even by TB). I'm not sure
about this for at this moment I couldn't find any to try, but it's a

> And every day I have files from bat2.tmp to bat84.tmp and many
> more. All tmp-files have the size Zero.

> I'm sure, there must be another explanation.

Another thought just came to my mind: do you use any anti-virus
program that would check email in the background? I don't use any of
those, so it's just a wild guess.

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