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On Wed, 18 Apr 2001 19:29:19 -0400, Jan thoughtfully wrote the following:

Allie>> TB! tends to auto-select an appropriate font for message replies,
Allie>> i.e., one that will support all characters generated in the reply
Allie>> quotation etc.

JR> I'm sure you're right but I'm surprised I haven't seen TB! do this in
JR> all the time I have been using it.

It depends on which font you normally use. I use Lucida Sans Typ which has
a relatively limited character support. If someone were to write to me
using say the Cyrillic (KOI8-R) charset (Russians typically use this
font), and I hit reply, the editor appears using Courier New, instead of
my font.

Three fonts that I realize have excellent character support are Courier
New, Andale Mono and Lucida Console. You will not see what I'm talking
about if you use one of those fonts normally.

Also, if you communicate only with English speakers that use plain ASCII
characters or Latin-1 (ISO..) then you very likely will not experience the
automatic font change that I'm referring to.

- --
         -= A. Curtis Martin =-
    List Moderator (and fellow end-user)
   The Bat! v1.52 Beta/7 \\// Win2k (SP1)

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