Hello Allie;

Wednesday, April 18, 2001, 12:37:22 PM, you kindly wrote:

>Tmtdc> Don't dare? <vbg> They bark way more than they actually bite,
Tmtdc> believe me.
Tmtdc> These macros are just requests made by you to output portions of
Tmtdc> text or
Tmtdc> information that's in the message to which you're replying. It will
Tmtdc> also
Tmtdc> output system information for you such as the date and time (%Date,
Tmtdc> %Time)
Tmtdc> or other useful information. They were designed to prevent
Tmtdc> repetitive
Tmtdc> actions.

    I've modified a couple to no good effect. Are templates/macro's a sort
of .bat file?

>Tmtdc> Another related macro is %Text. This one will output the
Tmtdc> entire text of the message without quoting it.

   Will that mean plain rather than colored text with initials prefacing
the text?
>Tmtdc> The best way to understand these macros is to experiment with
Tmtdc> There's an article in the TB! FAQ which outlines the template structure
Tmtdc> <http://www.silverstones.com/thebat/templates.html>. It will also give you
Tmtdc> an idea of what these templates and macros can do for you. Experiment away
Tmtdc> ..... :=)

                      I read it this morning. I need to practice but I'm
intellectually impaired by the onset of a cold. I'll lurk a bit till I get
my wits back.

>Tmtdc> Threading is simply the process of grouping together messages
Tmtdc> + - Your message
Tmtdc>  |
Tmtdc>   - - My message

Tmtdc> My message will appear chronologically after yours if you also
Tmtdc> thread in descending order based on received time.

Tmtdc> The only way to truly grasp this is to see threading in action. I suggest
Tmtdc> that you switch to receiving TBUDL messages individually and then switch
Tmtdc> to threading by references, with sorting by received time in descending
Tmtdc> order.

  I'd considered that but the traffic would defeat or at least impair all
other purposes of The Bat as my all purpose email client.    I don't
anticipate heavy participation in this group beyond becoming able to
operate basic functions of the client. I have neither purpose for nor
interest in the more powerful and esoteric functions of The Bat.

 a>> How can I best take your comments out
of my digest, quote them and then a>> reply still keeping the integrity of
the threading?

>Tmtdc> Hopefully, you'll realize after my explanation that this cannot be
Tmtdc> Since when you reply to the digest message, you're not replying directly
Tmtdc> to me. TB! will therefore not be able to generate that critical piece of
Tmtdc> header information:

 I accept this but don't "see" it. It links our messages by numerical
identity. That part I understand. The actual mechanism in action I can't

    Nick A. helped me get formatted so I trust my setting are good ones.
However this hasn't stopped a tendency for the message to scroll out of
sight to my left when I move the cursor to the vertical scrolling
controls. No horizontal scroll is showing. I'd like to lock the Edit Mail
Message screen and prevent this.             AH; 8- )  Store Window

  Thanks Allie,



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