Hello Jan,

Monday, April 30, 2001, 2:56:35 PM, you wrote:

JR>   I don't believe the 'Pro' version is free & the freebie version I
JR>   use doesn't seem to include an option to quarantine
JR>   e-mail_attachments. If I'm wrong, pls point it out to me so I can
JR>   use it as well. TIA

      I  am  using ZoneAlarm 2.1.44 (i.e. freebie) and on the security
section   you   can   turn  on/off  an  option  to  quarantine  script
attachements.  I  don't know how they do this though, it is not a very
well  documented  feature.

      Any  script  that  can  fight it through ZoneAlarm, Mcaffee, the
bat! warnings and my own vigilence deserves to infect my machine!!! :)

Best regards,
 i                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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