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Thursday, May 31, 2001, 9:43:43 PM, Steve wrote:

> I'm  trying  to  find  out  how  or IF i can use the BAT 152f for
> sending RICH text, it seems to have no rich text editor..any info
> is  greatly  appreciated.  it  would be great if they would add a
> rich  text  editor to the current message editor. I'm considering
> purchasing  this program but found it quite odd there was no Rich
> text sending capabilities.

The Bat! doesn't support RTF or HTML for composing mail, and I
hope it never will. HTML should stay on the WEB as for RTF, heck
Word Pad only. But you can purchase it anyway and enjoy the fine
ways of plain text and power-emailing :)

- -- 
  NOTE: mail delivered to me is deemed to be intended for me,
        for my disposition.
  If Bill Gates had a dime for every time a Windows box crashed...
               ...Oh wait, he already does.
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