Hello Jan,
Monday, June 18, 2001, 6:34:18 PM, you wrote:

JR>   I'm on a W2K_SP2 machine myself & 'The Bat!' shows up in the
JR>   Add/Remove program dialogue. What follows are the steps I would take
JR>   to change/remove The Bat! from my system:

JR>   Start
JR>   settings
JR>   Control Panel
JR>   Add/Remove Programs
JR>   Scroll down to "The Bat!"
JR>   Click 'Change/Remove"

JR>   That does it.
I too am on a W2k machine and i have to tell you that that is not it.
 If you uninstall like that it will not show up in your programs but
 the registry still has entries.

 At least it did the time I uninstalled.

Best regards,
 Igbar                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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