Hello Thomas,

I wrote ...
>> Really .. all we have used is netscape, for the past 4 years, and we
>> have not seen this.  Do you know of a document or site where I can
>> research this?

TF> No; I got this info from several mailing lists where people complained
TF> that a downloaded compressed file didn't work correctly. They
TF> downloaded with another app, and suddenly they had no problems any
TF> more.

TF> Give it a try with another web browser, or an ftp client, and see
TF> whether the problem persists.

obviously, as is normal on this list, you didn't read my message .. we
have had no problems with netscape for over 4 years of constant use ..
i was wondering if you had any real sources for the information or
just gossip .. guess you reply states it all

Best regards,
 Igbar                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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