Hi All,

On  Sun,  24 Jun 2001 at 19:54:07 GMT +0100 (which was 25/06/2001 1:54
GMT   +0700  my  Local  Time)  "Marck  D  Pearlstone"=[MDP]  wrote  to

PP>> Don't  want  to  'convert'  anybody, but what about a linux-based
PP>> ml-server?  AFAIK  they're  cheaper (ezmlm or listar don't cost a
PP>> thing), stable like the english pound *g*, good to scale and I've
PP>> not much trouble with configuration/administration :-)

> The  opposite  is,  in  fact, the truth here. The server causing the
> problem is, I think, an external Linux one being used for routing. I
> know  for  certain that it's not MDaemon causing the problem because
> both  Syafril  and  I  know  how  to  operate  it  (and lists on it)
> perfectly.

The  truth  is  I  am  running Linux Redhat on home.worldless.net, and
PostFix  MTA  (at  first I am running Qmail) and Listar ListServer (at
first EZMLM installed there) running there since last week.

I  was  also  running  MailScan to filter any viruses and HTML part on
MDaemon Listserver, since last 2 weeks.

I am trying to optimize the Mdaemon Listserver by changing the message
route  through  other  server  (so  ListServer  only act as Receiving,
authenticating     and     generate     single     route/copy    while
exploiding/distributing),  and  I want to utilitize Message Pipelining
(crunching)  while sending messages address to same domain to optimize
bandwith connection.

At first, I just changing the "relayer" through other server, but this
trick  burden  the  other  server,  because  the  Listserver  generate
multiple  rcpt-to: messages to the relayer (hard for relayer to accept
this  whatever type of MTA been using) and Pipeline effect not working
(I  was  testing  using  Mercury,  "Other  Mdaemon",  Qmail,  Exim and
Postfix, getting same result). So I set MDaemon ListServer to generate
only single copy/message (but with multiple rcpt-to: on the header) to
the relayer and it's working as I expected.

So  Linux/Postfix  is NOT the culprit here, nor other Mdaemon/Mercury.
MDaemon  ListServer  must prepare completely before sending it through
Relayer or I must create them (Content Filter) on Relayer side.

As  Marck  point  out, I promise to fixed this, but unfortunately last
week  I  was  so busy preparing moving house of my office (now I am in
new office) so have no time to touch it. I will look what can I do for
this case.

PP>> But maybe this question is wrong because Deerfield is sponsoring
PP>> licence and support *GGG*

> No,  they're  not.  They just happen to produce one of the best mail
> servers  there  is  for the PC platform and Syafril and I originally
> met  up  on  the betateam for the MDaemon server - when it was still
> and Alt-N product.

PP>> Sorry, don't want to afford somebody, it just came to my mind who
PP>> does pay the bill for licences, etc. :-)

> Syafril  runs  the  servers  anyway  to support his business and his
> clients.  As  a TB fan and an old friend he has kindly hosted the TB
> lists  without  charge  and  with much effort on his existing server
> configuration, for which I can only express lasting gratitude :-))).

Correct,  no  problem  with  licensing,  this  server using registered
MDaemon Pro Unlimited License. As Deerfield.Com Reseller, I always get
Not For Resale price :-)

Best regards,

- Syafril -               mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
URL: <http://www.dutaint.co.id> / <http://www.dutaint.com>

Flying with The Bat! 1.53d
under Windows NT 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 2

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