On 6/29/01 7:11:10 AM
Douglas Hinds <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

  > poco means not much in Spanish & my general feeling is that it's no
  > much of a competitor compared to TB! What I'm looking from is
  > confirmation of this from someone who has looked at it recently,
  > since I don't plan on doing so myself.
A more correct connotation would be "little one" and not "not much". And since
you've already decided that it's inferior to TB why are you interested in what
others think of it?

Poco is a very good mail client, I was a beta tester for the new 2.5 release.
No, it's not TB, but TB is not Poco, either. Poco handles multiple accounts
and/or users with ease, while with TB you must either use filters or put up
with multiple folder sets in order to handle several POP accounts. Poco's
filtering is adequate, but TB's runs rings around it. Conversely, Poco's
scripting language, if you care to learn it, is more powerful than any filter
set you can create in TB.

Poco's handling of html mails isn't dependent on IE's ActiveX components. TB's
isn't either, but Poco does a much better job of rendering html. Poco also lets
you encrypt individual messages or folders you wish to keep from prying eyes.

But, TB's advanced folder properties and templates & macros leave Poco in the
dust if you need to handle and sort a lot of mail.

Each program has its good points and bad points. Just slamming a program
without at least giving it a look is extremely narrowminded.

Which program do I use? Neither, I currently use Becky v2.0. :-)
URA Redneck if you think BMW is the call letters for a radio station.

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