
I'm a new user, so it's possible that my question is a FAQ - even if I
didn't find an answer in the archives nor on the net.

I'm looking for some more comprehensive documentation for the macros,
because the online help is just too summary.

A general answer would be very useful, but I'll try to give a concrete
exemple beacause I think this question is somewhat blurry...

So let's take the IF macro. The help says:
IF:"text1"sign"text2":"then text3":"else text3"
and gives the following exemple (without any further explanation):

Well, how can I know:

- what delimiters can be used? Here we have two, I've seen another one
(space mixed with ;) in one of Chema's message...

- characters used as a delimiter can be quoted? Is there any mean to escape
them (like 'that\'s a quotation')?

- can delimiters be nested? The exemple shows that ' can be used inside of
", but what if I want to go deeper?

- the syntax say "text", which normally should mean a string. Then we have
an exemple with dates. So what can be used? Strings, numbers, dates? If so,
what are the rules of comparison for the strings? What are the operators?

- the exemple shows that macros can be used in the "text" parts, they will
be evaluated. But how can I use (if it's possible) a macro with a syntax
like %MACROsign"text"? Can I do something like:
%IF:'%SUBPATT="1"'='found':'i\'ve found it':'sorry'
This one doesn't work, which is hardly suprising because the sign"text" can
be part of both macros:)

Thank you in advance, and please don't think I'm just trying to bother
you... There are too many possibilities to try-and-hope-it-will-work:)

See you, Sandor, a little bit frustrated because I'm unable to fully exploit
the power of the software;-P
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