On Wed, 18 Jul 2001 09:20:46 -0400
"Browning, Karl" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I have IMAP accounts also. The only way I have seen to get your messages
> is through the Message Dispatcher. Account|Dispatch Mail On Server|All

I'm not sure if I understand correctly the problem, but I've no problem
getting messages from my IMAP server. I created the account saying (lying:)
that the server was POP3 style (the only choice proposed by TB at
account-creation time) and then (even if getting the messages wasn't
working) I was able to change the protocol in Account/Properties/Transport
from POP3 to IMAP.

My conclusion: if you want to use an IMAP server, you have to create the
account with a POP3 server and after that change the protocol from POP3 to

In my opinion, this is another point where the documentation is not very
clear. I had the idea to create the account even if the only choice was POP3
after I've read (in the help) that the authors consider that IMAP is a
superset of POP3 and they say for the "POP3 server" that "Your incoming
e-mail server must use one of the two Internet-mail communications protocols
POP (Post Office Protocol) or IMAP"...

Regards, Sandor

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