Hello Dierk,

On Friday, July 20, 2001 at 8:04:32 AM you wrote:

DH> leaves the messages on the server,

Is (as you surely know) possible with pure POP3 too

DH> which IMHO is the idea behind IMAP.

Sorry, it ain't this simple :-( As said above: POP3 is able to do so too, so
this criteria would make IMAP4 senseless.
The principle idea behind IMAP is the client only fetches headers it does not
have yet local, the user decides what message he/she wants to read, the client
(MUA) fetches the message.
Storing locally is a thing of "bandwidth friendly behavior and "Why sould the
user wait for messages he already had downloaded?". It is not what IMAP is
intend to be. All actions on mails (except opening attachments, of course)
should be done on server side, means:
- filtering / moving /copying them into other folders: done at server side
- deletion: not local->(at next connect:) server, but delete from server and
  sync local folders with the actual online folders.

So in this PoV TB! has very much to 'learn' but nobody ever said IMAP
implementation in TB! is one of the best, I've ever read it's some kind of
still experimental / does not support very much IMAP functionality.

So all in all Rob is right if he sais: "TB's implementation of IMAP works just
like POP3", but I (and many others too *G*) hope this will become better one
day :-)

So far ....
Peter Palmreuther                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
(The Bat! v1.53d on Windows NT 5.0 Build 2195  [WindowsME])

He was very intelligent and all, but you could tell he didn't have too much
brains. (Salinger)

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