
DH> could  it  be  (and I'm guessing) that the folder from Netscape wasn't
DH> compressed? Eg, has it restored all your deleted messages as well?
DH> I really have no idea, but it might be worth looking into.

  That crossed my mind as well, but my manager seems pretty resolute
that she doesn't need to have the old Netscape mail imported...still,
as an obsessive/compulsive type, I can't help but think about it :)

  Maybe I'll try that on my own system using her imported mail in a
dummy folder.

MC>> However, and I'm not sure if this has been reported yet, but following
MC>> a URL in Netscape 6.1 brings up two identical browser windows instead
MC>> of one.  Anyone else notice this?

DH> I  had  the  same  problem  with  mozilla...  -  but i went back to IE
DH> anyway...  work  still  needs to be done IMO on that browser.. - hence
DH> that  solved my 'double window' problem :)
DH> I  wasn't  sure  if  it  was  the way I had installed mozilla and file
DH> associations or if it was TB... but I didn't bother looking into it...

  Actually, if we were talking about Netscape 6/6.01/6.1pr, I'd agree
with you, but 6.1 is pretty stable (aside from some standards compliance
issues...another story/debate). Not a big IE fan either. Oh
well...hopefully the folks at Bat will figure something out.

Thanks for the input,



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