
As an answer for Your letter, I would like to write:

>> Same  here.  I've  been  in  shock  all  day  and  still  am having
>> difficulty assimilating the days events.
> The  reaction  of  the vast majority. What happened was an atrocity,
> all those dead people. One thing that disgusted me was when the news
> here in the UK showed scenes of Palestinians celebrating.

Judging   this   is   difficult  just  because  of  totally  different

>> My  heartfelt  condolences  to all those affected directly by these
>> bombings. I have an uncle that lives in Washington but haven't been
>> able to contact him. I also have relatives in New York.
> I hope your relatives are alright. This is a terrible time for you.

So do I.

>> When will people learn that this isn't the way?
> Never,  particularly since the reaction of many Americans on NG's is
> to 'nuke whoever is responsible'. Given the amount of countries with
> nuclear  weapons that would be a big mistake and could possibly lead
> to a global nuclear war.

Yes. American thinking can be dangerous.

Best Regards
,----[ IronHand of MoonFlow ]----- GCS d- s:- a19 C+++ UL++++ P+++ -.
|            MAIL:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  L+++@ E- W+++ N+ o? K w+++ !O M  |
| WWW: +none yet+    ICQ:43598300  V- PS+ PE- Y PGP- t+ 5+ X-- R++  |
`--------------------------------- tv- b+ !DI D+ G++ e h!>h++ r y? -'

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