Hello -=ToÑo.!=-,

Monday, September 17, 2001, 12:52:47 PM, you wrote:


T> Que tal Stephen,

T> Try this too... GoldenSection Organizer

ST>> I am looking for a good PIM (personal information manager) and e-
ST>> mail combination.  I understand from many sources that TheBat is
ST>> one of the best e-mail clients around.  Does anyone have a recommendation
ST>> of a good PIM that will pass addresses over to TheBat?  I also need
ST>> this PIM to have a robust conduit to a Palm device.  I understand
ST>> that the only PIM that currently integrates all of these functions
ST>> is Outlook, but I will not use that product for all of the reasons
ST>> that you-all already know.

T> GoldenSection Organizer
T> Copyright (C) 1999-2001 TGSLABS Ltd.
T> Version 1.30 (Build 127)

T> GoldenSection Organizer is a full-scale personal information manager
T> (PIM), designed to help you in organizing, tracking and planning your
T> business and private life. It is a planner, notebook and address book
T> all in one.

T> Computer version of the organizer comprises all features of its paper
T> prototype in a more comfortable way, that makes working with it
T> quicker and easier. Its intuitive interface combines all your notes,
T> bookmark lists, holidays, reminders, appointments, task lists, and
T> contacts into a coherent tree outline form, that can be customized
T> according to your requirements. You don't have to leaf through the
T> address book searching for the necessary name anymore, all planned
T> jobs can get different priorities, and you can trace how much of the
T> job you have completed. Now you will never miss holidays or birthdays;
T> you will be notified about upcoming appointments, meetings and jobs,
T> and, moreover, you will be able to track your everyday tasks.

T> In addition, Notes area (equipped with WordPad-like rich-text tools)
T> is perfectly suitable for keeping various information like notes,
T> recipes, quotations, Web addresses, pictures and even entire Internet
T> pages.

T> Application features include versatile data sorting and filtering,
T> printing, automatic dialing of phone numbers, integration with your
T> e-mail client and Web browser. All traditional holidays are taken into
T> account in the application distribution and you can also add your own
T> dates.

T> For your comfort we made it possible to run the program as a
T> convenient icon in the System Tray area of the Windows taskbar. It can
T> also be integrated with Chameleon Clock by Softshape Development.

T> GoldenSection Organizer also supports multiple languages. Currently,
T> English, German, French, Russian, Polish, Portuguese-br, Slovak, and
T> Greek language files are available.

T> We have teamed with Softshape Development in order to offer you most
T> powerful solutions for managing your personal information at
T> discounted price.

T> Remember all your important information with this fast, small, and
T> easy-to-use program...

T> Contribute your own data files
T> - ------------------------------
T> It can be any reference or knowledge base that you want to share with
T> others. If you are the author of such .gso file, if this file contains
T> more than 100 records, if we find it interesting, we will publish it
T> here and will send you a free GoldenSection Organizer registration to
T> you.

T> GoldenSection Organizer!

T> http://www.tgslabs.com

T> - --

T>  -=ToÑo.!=-

T> El que dice una mentira no sabe qué tarea ha asumido, porque estará obligado a 
inventar veinte más para sostener la certeza de esta primera. Alexander Pope (Poeta 
inglés. 1.688 - 1.744)

T> ____,,, (^;^) ,,,__________________________

T>  -=ToÑo.!=-
T> ICQ-UIN:50036143
T> Llave PGP http://a_mi_go_.4d2.net
T> ______w______w_____________________________

T> Version: PGP 6.5i
T> Comment: Apasionate y apasiona

T> iQCVAwUBO6ZUn4Pdrd6lx+FTAQHEVAP/SAYuM0C90VNJndbdV3s1J6X8j9w+7Wjp
T> pj8NEcl2xjjwIAIHLcYmrRWa8ymTiZaSWISmcFIYOyK0W9Q+oxWlHmmdUZ3ChuTT
T> HXZr1TFqZSlDLF1kcPfZKPKDfPcpL0hFLxeoX9bwayZfg6OBA/XZXx0VF9Vwng2X
T> kKpsO+Dq2nk=
T> =P8Tr

Thank you for the tip on GoldenSection Organizer.  Unfortunately, it
doesn't appear to support syncronization with the Palm, one of my
requirements.  But, thanks anyway!

Best regards,
 Steve                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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