Hello pkroy,

Wednesday, October 31, 2001, 12:59:00 PM, you wrote:

p> i am new to bat1.53 and i like its features..
p> want to use PGP features but couldnot configure ..

If you've never used PGP before then it's probably best if you download and
install it and read the documentation. It takes some studying. It's
probably easiest to get the version 6.0x / 6.5x from Network Associates, as
it's completely graphical, point and click. (Still read the docs though! It
will take you through generating your private and public keys and so on)

Personally I'd recommend getting this one: http://www.pgpi.org/products/pgpdisk/
(Use the NT version if you run Windows 2000)

This version is the last freeware version that still came with PGP Disk for
free. PGP Disk allows you to create a virtual encrypted harddrive (it
actually shows up in the My Computer window as a harddrive). All your
sensitive files you just keep on this drive, which you can turn on (mount)
and off at will. When it's off, nobody even sees it's there. Of course your
email also qualiefies as sensitive information, so... keep your The Bat
email files on this encrypted disk!! (Optionally even install the whole The
Bat program intirely on the encrypted disk; when the disk is off, nobody
even knows you have an extra program for email.)

Frankly, protecting email while it's on your computer is much more
important than protecting it while it's being transmitted. It takes some
pretty smart people to intercept e-mail during the 10 seconds it takes to
send over the internet, however any co-worker or your baby daughter can
open your emails while they sit on your computer for all eternity.

Anyway, configuring The Bat with PGP is the easy part. Just download the
PGP support files from the The Bat website. After you unzip those into your
The Bat folder, everything just works by itself after you go to
 Tools->OpenPGP->Select OpenPGP version and selected PGP 6.0x. :) You don't
even need to import keys or anything.

Again, the main difficulty is not getting The Bat to use PGP, it's
understanding PGP itself.  I'm sorry if I wrongly assumed you were new to
PGP as well..

Good luck!

| Han Thomas               25/1 Moo 2 Pa Bong, Saraphee    |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED]            Chiang Mai 50140 THAILAND       |

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