Hello, Batters.
  I'm still looking for creative ideas on how to archive old messages

  In the meantime, though, I have another question.

  Through the years that I've been using The Bat!, I've had to switch
  ISPs several times. I've also tried out several free email servers
  for shorter periods of time. Some of the messages in the various
  accounts are unique, of course, but some are duplicates, due to the
  fact that I would sometimes receive messages in two accounts
  simultaneously so that I could compare them, or when I thought one
  was having a problem.

  The problem is that the messages in most of these separate accounts
  really belong together. I have used the same folders and filters in
  each account; only the source was different. I think that in the
  future, I will rename my current ISP to Main, and when I switch, I
  will just change the settings on Main and continue to use it. That
  will ensure that most messages come to the same account.

  Right now, however, I have hundreds or thousands of messages in each
  of several different accounts (I save a lot of messages 8-~), and in
  each account, sorted into 30 or 40 folders. I would like to bring
  them all together into the same account.

  What do you think would be the best way to do this? I'm currently
  thinking that within each account, I could drag the messages from
  each folder into the Inbox; then I could drag all the Inbox messages
  into the Main account's Inbox; I could then apply my filters; and
  finally, I could remove duplicates from all folders in Main. This, I
  think, would be easier than having to drag messages from each
  individual folder into the corresponding Main folder. Or would it?

  What does everyone think? Does anyone have a better idea?

  Thanks again for your help.
  Keith Russell
...Drive C: Error, (A)bort (R)etry (I)gnore (K)ick (S)cream

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