Hello Marck.

At 5:59 PM on Monday, November 26, 2001 you wrote the
following on the posted subject 'ATT: Marck re: filtering
attachement extensions':

Marck> name=".*\....\.scr"'

Marck> is the regexp equivalent. '.' is a regexp meaning "any
Marck> character", '*'
Marck> means zero or more of the preceding character (or wildcard
Marck> special
Marck> character) and '\.' is the regexp for "a real 'dot'".

  Thanks for explaining.

Marck> The problem is that the "lower headers" are not deemed by
Marck> filtering to
Marck> be a part of the "kludges". Nor are they visible as a part of
Marck> the
Marck> "body". So filtering is tricky.

  As you, yourself, discovered, its not only tricky but
  seems non-operational. I don't understand why TB! can't
  filter 'kludges' or 'anywhere' but not in this area. Or is
  it that the 'content' info revealed by (F9) are the
  'headers' exclusively for the attachment? In trying to
  understand this, can I assume 'kludges' only refer to
  information that appears before the message? And if that's
  true, what is this attachment header area called?

Jan Rifkinson
Ridgefield, CT USA
TB! V1.54/10/W2K_SP2/PGP Key ID: 0x3F14A060
ICQ 41116329

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