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Hola Thomas,

El día 30/11/2001, a las 12:37, escribiste:

> It proves my theory that the size is either zero or the window off
> the screen.

AQ>>         Lars Geiger suggested:

AQ>>  HKCU/Software/RIT/The Bat!/RAS (Top|Left|Height|Width)

AQ>>         I checked out, and the RAS decimal values are: 31
AQ>> 160 (Width), 3000 (Left, Top).  3000 seems a bit too much, so I
AQ>> lowered to 100, to no avail.

> Is RAS the Connection Center?

        I don´t know.  Might be.  Anyway, the "Top" and "Left"
values (no RAS) have also veeeery high values, and "Width" (no RAS)
is zero!

        But it gets weirder. I open the Registry Editor, change
those values (as well as the RAS ones) to reasonable values, save,
go back to TB, and it doesn´t work.  Back to the Registry Editor:
now the values are same as before making any change!  Seems like
there´s a "won´t-let-you-repair-it" mode on!  I´m starting to lose
faith in the whole Registry.  I´ll keep trying

> Could well be the problem. Do you have a backup of your reg key?
> FYI whenever I backup TB, I also backup its reg key.

        Unfortunately, I never did backup the reg. key.  I mean, the
entire Windows registry.  Is there a separate copy of TB registry,
anywhere?  FWIW, I have another copy of TB in a different computer,
so I think I will now export the bad reg and compare to the good

AQ>> Maybe the way out of the dotcom crisis is easier than we thought
AQ>> ;-)

> By offering Paella? ;-)

        Well, all people need is a good incentive.  And I don´t see
stock options working now...

- --
Salu2.  Arturo Quirantes
(PGP key 0x4E2031EC)

Version: PGP 6.5i


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