Hi Januk,

Sunday, December 02, 2001, 12:31:38 AM, you wrote:

Januk> Hello James,

Januk> On Saturday, December 1, 2001 at 22:54 GMT -0500, a creature mimicking
Januk> James Senick [JS] wrote:

JS>> One would still want to be able to personalize mass e-mail
JS>> messages and further more embed an ascii version for anyone not
JS>> able to view html.

Januk> TB has a version of a mass mailing function.

        Yes.  I was really referring to the personalization of
HTML e-mail messages on a mass scale.  It can still be done;
just not nicely done.  The ascii portions can be personalized.
And too, I am referring to personalization of the message body
rather than just the to address or subject line.
The html cannot since it begins as an attached file.

Januk> It has been reported that this feature can be somewhat buggy when
Januk> working with large numbers of addresses.  I personally can't comment as
Januk> I never use the feature.  Also, I can't be sure that the problems are
Januk> in the current release, they may have been from the 1.53 beta days.
Januk> Again, I'm not sure because I don't use it.  The point is, you should
Januk> probably test the feature on a known test group before using it on
Januk> your customers.

        I have used it on semi large ascii mass mailings and with the
multipart/alternative version as well.  I haven't noticed any
bugs to date.  It is slow during that process but I would expect
that of any program processing such a large request.  It should
also be noted though that I use a local mail server for this
type of thing.  So the send isn't nearly as lengthy as it could
be. And there is no need to send in batches. If I sent them all
at once to an external mail server I'd likely run into a memory
error.  Thanks for the advice though.

Best regards,

theBat! version 1.54 Beta/9
Windows Windows NT 5.0 build 2195 Service Pack 2

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