On Mon, 31 Dec 2001 at 14:19 GMT +0000 (12/31/2001 9:19 AM
where I live) "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" [wee] wrote to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] re: 'Quotes':

,----- [wee]
| I'd like to change my quote style. I got told off on a
| mailing list for using firstname> as a quote.
| I tried using %QUOTES=">>" and QUOTESTYLE=">>" in the
| template for replies to this mailing list only. Neither
| seemed to produce any changes. Could someone maybe post an
| abc guide to this for a real TB novice.

  Too bad you got told off but one of the wonderful things
  about TB! is you can customize your replies to different
  people or groups via QTs, templates & macros.

  TB! can automatically use a variety of prefixes to the '>'
  (or even replace the '>' with another character if you
  want to) via the use of %Quotestyle. To make matters
  really simple, if you *don't* use %QUOTESTYLE in your
  template the default is '>'.

  Take a look @ Help -> Index -> type 'quote style' & you
  will see the possibilities. In addition, I believe you can
  add something like %QUOTESTYLE="xyz" %QUOTES in your
  template & your quoted info will look like this:

  xyz> text
  xyz> text

  To complete the description, when you create a template, or
  change the default templates, simply add the following line
  & TB! will do the rest:

  %QUOTESTYLE='your choice' %QUOTES
  or do not add %QUOTESTYLE and you should get

  > xyz
  > xyz


Jan Rifkinson
Ridgefield, CT USA
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