@ 17:49:45 +0100 [ Mon, 31 Dec 2001], Dirk Dörr [DD] wrote these words
of wisdom:
DD> Yes, exactly. The behaviour I like to be implemented would be like
DD> this:

DD>      - Receiving an encrypted message
DD>      - Click on the message
DD>      - TheBat! recognize the message as an encrypted message
DD>      - I will be asked for the keyphrase (only once when cached)
DD>      - TheBat! decrypts the message and the preview pane shows just
DD>        the decrypted message
DD>      - The original message will be untouched/unchanged
DD>      - No decrypted message will be stored in the folder

DD> This is the behaviour that I was used from PMMail.

DD> Of course SecureBat would provide me a better security. But I am just
DD> waiting and hoping for the V2 release.

Great.  I hope you sent that to Ritlabs as a suggestion?

     |  ŠAllie Martin - Moderator
     |  TB! v1.54 Beta/20 & WinXP Home
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