I'm  a  recent  convert  to  The  Bat from Pegasus Mail. I use PGP for
certain  emails  and  I'm trying to use this feature with The Bat. I'm
having trouble reading emails received that are encrypted with PGP.

I  want  to  use PGP 2.6.3i. This version worked on my PC with Pegasus
Mail,  so  I  suppose the PGPPATH and other paths are already properly

1.  When  I  receive  a PGP encrypted message and try and open it with
Tools | Open PGP | Open PGP Decrypt I am faced with a dialog requiring
me to enter an ID and a password. Which ID information should I enter?
I  tried  various  alternatives,  but they all result in another empty
window about an Open PGP Error.

2.  The  Open  PGP  Key  Manager  option  and  Preferences do not open
anything  unless  I choose the internal (RFC 1991) option. But if I do
that,  I  still  cannot  decrypt  anything.  I  get  an error about an
"unknown PGPpacket format".

3. What is the internal (RFC 1991) option?

4. How do I decrypt PGP messages addressed to a nym that I created for

I know I have a lot to learn, but I am keen to do so!

Best regards,
 Costas                          mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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