Hi again,

Peter wrote:
> I'm using it, but I did think about it yet ...
> I've done some testings and can only state it works.

I wrote:
> Thanks for testing.
> Pretty strange that it works for you.  I've tested it a few times with
> different configurations and it _never_ deleted any mails from the server.
> I am using TheBat 1.53t - maybe that's my mistake?

Meanwhile I tested with 1.54 Beta36 and it still doesn't delete any
messages from the server.  I downloaded 4 new messages then deleted them -
and just to be sure also deleted the contents of ALL folders.  But they
still remain on the server.  Just that they aren't marked as new anymore.

I tried with POP3 (qpopper 2.53-5) and Imap (uw-imapd 4:2001adebian-5).

There must be something I am doing wrong.  Please help,

PS: thanks for the RTFV explanation.

 Dr. Andy Spiegl, Radio Marañón, Jaén, Perú
 URL: http://spiegl.de, http://radiomaranon.org.pe
 PGP/GPG: see headers
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 "C makes it easy to shoot yourself in the foot, C++ makes it harder,
  but when you do, it blows away your whole leg." -- Bjarne Stroustrup

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