On 09 February 2002 at 19:53 Sergey wrote:

> Hello TBUDL,

>   Sometimes  I  need  to  send  files. And sometimes they are very big
>   (about  1  meg).  And sometimes I forget to zip them before sending.

>   The  question  is:  is  it  possible in TB! to make a reminder (with
>   macros  or  regular  expressions)  so that when I'm trying to send a
>   message with attachment that exceeds, for example 200 kb, it pops up
>   and  asks  something like "wouldn't be better to zip your attachment
>   before sending?"

You could do it with an Outgoing Mail filter - in the Advanced tab of
that there's an option 'Message is larger than ... K Bytes'. Setting
... to 200 would trigger the rest of the filter in the situation

I think the pop-up box is beyond TB!*, but you could certainly park
the message in the Outbox (see 'Park the message' in the Actions tab)
and play a suitably annoying sound (same tab at bottom).


* that inspires a feature request; it would be very easy to add a
filter option to pop up a box with text defined in the filter.

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