(TBUDL in cc as I had startd the discussion there)


 Tue, 19 Feb 2002 13:11:03 +0100, Lars Geiger wrote:

LG> Hi Philippe,
LG> On Tuesday, February 19, 2002 at 09:43:36 [GMT +0100], you wrote:

PG>> - An option to reset all mail ticker properties in all folders (on
PG>>   or off), at least on an accout level

PG>> I've got more than 400 folders and would like to use Mail ticker for
PG>> a few (less than 10) of them. To change by hand the property of each
PG>> folder would take eras ... so I can't use mail ticker right now.

LG> I don't want to deny the need for this feature. As a temporary work-
LG> around, I'd use a software that can send sequences of key strokes to a
LG> program. One program which can do this (I think) is PerfectKeyboard
LG> (http://www.pitrinec.com/pkindex.htm). It's a shareware and can be tried
LG> for 30 days. But I'm sure there are other programs, maybe even free
LG> ones, which are capable of doing the same.

LG> This way, you could define a sequence and activate it via a hotkey. A
LG> possible sequence might be:

LG> 1.)  ALT-Enter (opens folder properties)
LG> 2.)  ALT-S (Toggles "Show unread messages on MailTicker" in English UI)
LG> 3.)  Enter (Close folder properties)
LG> 4.)  Downarrow (Select next folder)

LG> Not an ideal solution, but better than nothing. And always think about
LG> your folder properties when you create the next 400 folders. ;-)

    Thanks  :  it  has  worked nearly fine : the only problem I had is
    that when it was operating, sometimes it did open the Address book
    and not the folder properties... I'vent understand why.

    But the result is quite good, after a re-start of TB.

    Thanks a lot.

  A bientôt,


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Philippe  Gouillou  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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