
Carter                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

March 14, 2002, 9:27:36 AM, you wrote:

> Hello Listar,

> How I can unsubscribe?

> Thursday, March 14, 2002, 12:09:19 PM, you wrote:

L>> tbudl Digest    Thu, 14 Mar 2002        Volume: 02  Issue: 069

L>> In This Issue:
L>>         #1:     From: Allie C Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
L>>                 Subject: Re: Feature wish: Editor improvement
L>>         #2:     From: David Denton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
L>>                 Subject: Re[2]: utf-8 and Unicode
L>>         #3:     From: Allie C Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
L>>                 Subject: Re: How do I send from a selected isp?
L>>         #4:     From: Allie C Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
L>>                 Subject: Re: Autocompletion of header fields not always working
L>>         #5:     From: Gene Gough <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
L>>                 Subject: Re[3]: Autocompletion of header fields not always working
L>>         #6:     From: Jean-Baptiste Lavedrine 
L>>                 Subject: Re[2]: Agenda companion to The Bat!
L>>         #7:     From: Tim Musson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
L>>                 Subject: Re: Agenda companion to The Bat!
L>>         #8:     From: "DG Raftery Sr." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
L>>                 Subject: Re[2]: How do I send from a selected isp?
L>>         #9:     From: Charles Collinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
L>>                 Subject: Re: How do I send from a selected isp?
L>>         #10:    From: John Phillips <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
L>>                 Subject: Re: Why do my macros....
L>>         #11:    From: Charles Collinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
L>>                 Subject: Re: How do I send from a selected isp?
L>>         #12:    From: Luc <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
L>>                 Subject: Re: outbox problem
L>>         #13:    From: Allie C Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
L>>                 Subject: Re: How do I send from a selected isp?
L>>         #14:    From: Jonathan Wayne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
L>>                 Subject: Re: Another Wish
L>>         #15:    From: Andreas Schwartmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
L>>                 Subject: Template for Ebay auctions -  RegEx? How?
L>>         #16:    From: Dave Conroy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
L>>                 Subject: Re: Template for Ebay auctions -  RegEx? How?
L>>         #17:    From: David Denton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
L>>                 Subject: Attachment icons
L>>         #18:    From: Jonathan Wayne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
L>>                 Subject: Re: Template for Ebay auctions -  RegEx? How?
L>>         #19:    From: Andreas Schwartmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
L>>                 Subject: Re[2]: Template for Ebay auctions -  RegEx? How?
L>>         #20:    From: Andreas Schwartmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
L>>                 Subject: Re[3]: Template for Ebay auctions -  RegEx? How?
L>>         #22:    From: Jonathan Wayne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
L>>                 Subject: Re[3]: Template for Ebay auctions -  RegEx? How?
L>>         #23:    From: "Miguel A. Urech" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
L>>                 Subject: Re[3]: Template for Ebay auctions -  RegEx? How?
L>>         #24:    From: Jonathan Wayne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
L>>                 Subject: Re[3]: Template for Ebay auctions -  RegEx? How?
L>>         #25:    From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
L>>                 Subject: Re[2]: Feature wish: Editor improvement
L>>         #26:    From: Dwight A Corrin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
L>>                 Subject: Re: Feature wish: Editor improvement
L>>         #27:    From: Mrten <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
L>>                 Subject: Re: Feature wish: Editor improvement
L>>         #28:    From: "DG Raftery Sr." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
L>>                 Subject: Re[2]: How do I send from a selected isp?
L>>         #29:    From: Syafril Hermansyah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
L>>                 Subject: Re: Feature wish: Editor improvement
L>>         #30:    From: Allie C Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
L>>                 Subject: Re: Feature wish: Editor improvement
L>>         #31:    From: Allie C Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
L>>                 Subject: Re: Attachment icons
L>>         #32:    From: Ottar Grimstad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
L>>                 Subject: Re: Feature wish: Editor improvement
L>>         #33:    From: John Phillips<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
L>>                 Subject: Re: Why do my macros....
L>>         #34:    From: Syafril Hermansyah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
L>>                 Subject: Re: Why do my macros....
L>>         #35:    From: John Phillips<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
L>>                 Subject: Re: Why do my macros....
L>>         #36:    From: Peter Palmreuther <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
L>>                 Subject: Re: Template for Ebay auctions -  RegEx? How?
L>>         #37:    From: Peter Palmreuther <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
L>>                 Subject: Re: Why do my macros....
L>>         #38:    From: Syafril Hermansyah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
L>>                 Subject: Re: Why do my macros....
L>>         #39:    From: Allie C Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
L>>                 Subject: Re: Feature wish: Editor improvement
L>>         #40:    From: Roelof Otten <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
L>>                 Subject: Re: Why do my macros....
L>>         #41:    From: "Michael S. Greenbaum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
L>>                 Subject: Blocking unreadable email
L>>         #42:    From: Carsten Guthardt-Schulz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
L>>                 Subject: Edit Control-+ shortcuts etc
L>>         #43:    From: Ottar Grimstad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
L>>                 Subject: Re: Edit Control-+ shortcuts etc
L>>         #44:    From: Carsten Guthardt-Schulz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
L>>                 Subject: Re[2]: Feature wish: Editor improvement

L>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------

L>> Msg: #1 in digest
L>> Date: Wed, 13 Mar 2002 12:15:07 -0500
L>> From: Allie C Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
L>> Subject: Re: Feature wish: Editor improvement

L>> Hash: SHA1

L>> @ 10:40:33 -0500 [ Wed, 13 Mar 2002], Guti [G] wrote these words of
L>> wisdom:
L>> ...
G>>> That's exactly what I use. Unfortunately, this F4 thing only allows
G>>> quoting the first block.

L>> How do you select multiple blocks of text from the message view window
L>> prior to hitting F4 to generate the reply? I just tried to and I can't.

G>>> For the following quotes I have to go back to the message/preview
G>>> window, mark a text, Control-C, Alt-Tab, Alt-Ins, Enter to start
G>>> writing under the next quote. With a makro program I have written a
G>>> makro that allows me to just press Control-Q instead of the frequence
G>>> Control-C, Alt-Tab, Alt-Ins, Enter.

L>> Good. This is what macro programs were created for and I use one heavily
L>> myself.

G>>> But I would find it better if The Bat could do it itself, it wouldn't
G>>> even be necessary to go over the clipboard, the marked block could be
G>>> inserted as quote directly.

L>> You really can't expect TB! to do that sequence for you automatically.
L>> It's something that *you* want to do, the way *you* want it to be done.

L>> Suppose a user wishes to quote portions of text in different messages
L>> that he's composing. How would that be handled? This is why specialist
L>> editors have macro recorders and not built in automatic sequences as you
L>> describe.

G>>> And the initials in front of the quote sign should be the initials of
G>>> the sender of the message I am quoting from, not always the ones of
G>>> the message I am replying to.

L>> TB! can tell which initials to use depending on which message is being
L>> replied to. However, how is it to tell the source of text from anywhere
L>> else?

L>> The only compromise there would be to do as I do. Create a Quick
L>> Template containing the single macro '%Quoteclipboard'. If you wish to
L>> quote material and not associate the sender initials with it, then copy
L>> the text block to the clipboard and invoke the QT. The text will be
L>> quoted without initials.

G>>> Is anybody here using this "Auto-format" option? How do people manage
G>>> do make paragraphs with that, I don't get it? Each time I want to
G>>> start a new paragraph and press Enter to do that, the cursors jumps
G>>> back to the end of the last paragraph once I start typing again.

L>> Separate each paragraph by a blank line and it works.

L>> - --
L>>       |   Allie Martin - Moderator
L>> oxxxxx|====================================---
L>>       | TB! v1.54 Beta/47 & Windows XP 5.1.2600
L>> PGPKey - mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?Subject=PGPPubKey1
L>> ŻŻ
L>> Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (MingW32)

L>> r5YAoJFggHxa8p4kXjD4Pq/kXJYOnXp9
L>> =snLi

L>> ------------------------------

L>> Msg: #2 in digest
L>> Date: Wed, 13 Mar 2002 12:34:37 -0500
L>> From: David Denton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
L>> Subject: Re[2]: utf-8 and Unicode

L>> Hello SyP,

L>> Wednesday, March 06, 2002, 1:53:43 PM, you wrote:

L>> Many thanks for your reply and explanation. Sorry about the delay in
L>> responding -- I have been too busy to read by batmail for a few days.

S>>> It's quoted-printable encoding - in other words, all bytes are changed
S>>> to =XX where XX is the byte's value in hex. if you see this, something
S>>> clearly went wrong, but I don't know if the error is on the sender or
S>>> on the recipient's side, if I can't see the whole MIME message.

L>> Here is an example of the source of an entire message sent from
L>> Outlook Express encoded in utf-8.

L>> Return-Path: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
L>> Received: from creeocxkgo42pm (ppp116-224.lino.sympatico.ca [])
L>>         by hermes.lino.com (8.11.5/8.11.5) with SMTP id g2DGhDA21891
L>>         for <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Wed, 13 Mar 2002 11:43:13 -0500 (EST)
L>> Message-ID: <002001c1caaf$63b94ba0$74e0d98e@creeocxkgo42pm>
L>> From: "David Denton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
L>> To: "David Denton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
L>> Subject: syllabics
L>> Date: Wed, 13 Mar 2002 11:51:52 -0500
L>> MIME-Version: 1.0
L>> Content-Type: multipart/alternative; 
L>> X-Priority: 3
L>> X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
L>> X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2600.0000
L>> X-MIMEOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.2600.0000
L>> X-UIDL: ?+%"!LP@"!+FJ!!3:2!!
L>> ------=_NextPart_000_001D_01C1CA85.775AB920
L>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
L>> Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
L>> =E1=90=A7=E1=90=8A=E1=92=8B=E1=90=A7=E1=90=8B =
L>> =E1=91=8C=E1=90=B1=E1=91=A6 =E1=91=8C=E1=93=90=E1=91=90=E1=93=90
L>> =E1=91=96=E1=93=90 =E1=90=81 =E1=91=8E=E1=94=A8=E1=93=90=20
L>> ------=_NextPart_000_001D_01C1CA85.775AB920
L>> Content-Type: text/html; charset="utf-8"
L>> Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
L>> =EF=BB=BF<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
L>> <META http-equiv=3DContent-Type content=3D"text/html; charset=3Dutf-8">
L>> <META content=3D"MSHTML 6.00.2600.0" name=3DGENERATOR>
L>> </HEAD>
L>> <BODY bgColor=3D#ffffff>
L>> <DIV><FONT face=3D"BJCree UNI" =
size=3D2>>>=E1=90=A7=E1=90=8A=E1=92=8B=E1=90=A7=E1=90=8B =
L>> =E1=91=8C=E1=90=B1=E1=91=A6 =
L>> =E1=91=8C=E1=93=90=E1=91=90=E1=93=90</FONT></DIV>
L>> <DIV><FONT face=3D"BJCree UNI" size=3D2>=E1=91=96=E1=93=90 =E1=90=81 =
L>> =E1=91=8E=E1=94=A8=E1=93=90 </FONT></DIV>
L>> <DIV>&nbsp;</DIV></BODY></HTML>
L>> ------=_NextPart_000_001D_01C1CA85.775AB920--

S>>> Btw. I typed in the hex values in an editor, and loaded into UniPad, a
S>>> Unicode-enabled free, comprehensive editor, and they looked like
S>>> Canadian aboriginal symbols.

L>> Yes, it is Cree syllabics in the United Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics
L>> plane. I use UniPad, too. It is a great tool.

L>> I tried experimenting with the Transport settings for the account
L>> relating to how 8-bit characters are treated. This does not seem to
L>> change anything. If I understand what is happening here, The Bat! seem
L>> to convert the Unicode text to quoted-printable no matter what.

L>> What if I had a fixed-width syllabic font, would that allow me to
L>> view the message as text?

L>> I did discover that if I view the html message in Internet Explorer, I
L>> see the message correctly, which partially solves my problem. IE seems
L>> to read the quoted-printable and to switch it to utf-8. I wonder why
L>> TB!'s own html viewer cannot view this same text. What would it take
L>> to get it to recognize the utf-8 encoding?


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