Hello Melissa Reese,

On Sunday, March 24 2002 at 09:29 AM PDT, you wrote:

> Even after activating the filter, and testing by sending myself mail
> from a "known" address, the message simply goes into the regular
> "Inbox", and there is no "Inbox-Known" (and no choice of that to move
> "known" mail to).

That has been my experience as well. Try as I may, I could never get TB to
create an "Inbox-Known". Early in the Beta Program I remember reading
where you could delete a certain file... forget which one... that allowed
a User to delete that Folder. I did that at the time and sure enough the
"Inbox-Known" Folder was gone, but I would have thought that with
installing v1.60 that file would have been re-created.

Nick Andriash
Courtenay, B.C. Canada

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