Hello Ottar,

Saturday, March 30, 2002, 1:32:18 PM, you wrote:

OG> Another strategy is to make an address book group for all your
OG> spammers. You just highligh the spam message, rightclick and select
OG> specials, add to addressbook, and select the spam-group.
OG> Then you can have a filter that look for @ in sender (every mail
OG> messages contains this) but under advanced you scroll down and tick
OG> the box Address must be listed in address book, and select the
OG> Spam-group.
OG> This makes makes blocking new spammers as easy as the function in
OG> Outlook Express (but less precise than the former strategy).

A  nice  suggestion(I  am  always  looking  for  tricks  at  making spam
disappear).  I  have  one  question  about  this method. I have set up a
filter, which will add spammers addresses to a group called Spam(what an
imagination,  eh??). The only disadvantage i see with this, is when i go
to  compose  a  normal  window, and i click on the AB to insert someones
email  address, I am confronted with all the spammers addresses. It is
a  tad annoying and i was wondering if there was any feature which could
exclude a group from the AB when i am composing a regular email.

Also,  to  everyone,  I have been using TB for quite a while now. I have
messed around with lots of settings and things. One thing I haven't been
able  to  find,  is  a  facility  which  will  allow  TB  to  dial up my
connection,  download  new  mail,  AT  a  certain time. Not every X time
period. Is this possible to achieve with TB?

Best regards,
Using The Bat! v1.60c on Windows 98 4.10
Build 2222  A 

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