I did similar to what you are doing but soon realized that the change
the sending ID very often just to defeat that method.  What I have
found best is having a filer for each of the various list groups I
listen to that looks at the TO field to divert them to the associated
folder.  Then next to the last filter is one that requires only that
the sender be in my address book and if so, that mail goes into the
standard INBOX.  The final filter is the inverse of that.  Any message
this far down the chain and not in the address book goes to the
Unknown or spam filter.  About 90 percent of the mail that ends up in
that filer truly is spam.  The remaining are senders that I don't have
in my address book and won't put there but not really spam.  For that
reason I have to give a casual glance at the folder contents prior to
trashing them.  This has worked very well and I don't have to continue
to added ID's to a spam filter.

Sunday, March 31, 2002, 9:35:41 PM, John wrote:

> Hello Ottar,

> Saturday, March 30, 2002, 1:32:18 PM, you wrote:

OG>> Another strategy is to make an address book group for all your
OG>> spammers. You just highligh the spam message, rightclick and select
OG>> specials, add to addressbook, and select the spam-group.
OG>> Then you can have a filter that look for @ in sender (every mail
OG>> messages contains this) but under advanced you scroll down and tick
OG>> the box Address must be listed in address book, and select the
OG>> Spam-group.
OG>> This makes makes blocking new spammers as easy as the function in
OG>> Outlook Express (but less precise than the former strategy).

> A  nice  suggestion(I  am  always  looking  for  tricks  at  making spam
> disappear).  I  have  one  question  about  this method. I have set up a
> filter, which will add spammers addresses to a group called Spam(what an
> imagination,  eh??). The only disadvantage i see with this, is when i go
> to  compose  a  normal  window, and i click on the AB to insert someones
> email  address, I am confronted with all the spammers addresses. It is
> a  tad annoying and i was wondering if there was any feature which could
> exclude a group from the AB when i am composing a regular email.

> Also,  to  everyone,  I have been using TB for quite a while now. I have
> messed around with lots of settings and things. One thing I haven't been
> able  to  find,  is  a  facility  which  will  allow  TB  to  dial up my
> connection,  download  new  mail,  AT  a  certain time. Not every X time
> period. Is this possible to achieve with TB?


Gene                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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