
I  sent  this email earlier today but I don't think it went out. If it
did I'm sorry for the repost.

I'm  fairly new to all the neat stuff in TB! so please be patient with
me.  I  have a form on my web site that people can use to subscribe to
my  newsletter.  I  get  an email when someone subscribes that has the
following information;

hot_rum: Hot Rum
your_name: Jack Schmedlap
your_email_address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Submit: Submit

I  am  setting  up a reply template and would like to pick some things
out of this email body to include in the reply like;

Hi (insert their name from "your_name:"),

You  subscribed  using  the  address of (insert "your_email_address:")
blah, blah, etc.

I'm not sure how you do this. I've looked around and just haven't seen
the magic words.

Thanks for bearing with me.

Best Regards,


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