
> On Friday, April 12, 2002, 3:02:19 AM, you wrote:

>> ... The other feature was that it would auto-look up the addresses
>> after a few seconds.

> TB has this. It's called "auto-complete".

Ok, I found it.  I had to change the setting from "History" to "Address book".

> When in the editor, see "Utilities | Insert Quick template".

Cool.  Its odd that the Right Click Menu is different than the Pull Down Menu.

>> 5) Have an option that copies a "Redirected" message to the "Sent
>> Items" folder so I have a record of that.

> All sent messages are copied to the Sent Items folder, whether new or
> redirected. If you don't see it there then it is likely that an
> outgoing filter is moving it elsewhere.

I'll have to try this again, would there be a setting that would prevent this?

Brien King
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