
> I'm the moderator here. When I make a statement it needs to be
> verifiably from me.

Don't you think you are taking your role here a little too seriously?
After all, we are not talking trade secrets here or national security.
I have been a member of scores of mailing-lists in the ten years I've
had access to e-mail and I've never seen a list-mom have need of proving
his identity. Nor have I ever experienced anyone posing as a false
list-mom. Is that a common problem on the TB lists?

> PGP signing is welcomed and not discouraged on this list since it
> is a function of TB

Of course, there's nothing wrong with the odd PGP signature now and
then in the course of explaining or discussing TB's features. But just
because TB has many features does not mean we all have to use every
feature on every message to the list.

The "flow" of a mailing list is very important - being able to easily
and quickly follow a conversation thread. Interruptions in the form of
unneccessary felicitations, dates, quotes, cookies and signatures just
make the conversations less easy to follow and thus less useful for
everyone involved. The TB lists are some of the "noisiest" I've
experienced in this respect, which is rather ironic, since we are here
to discuss an email client that basically is a tool to make
communication easier, quicker and more pleasurable!


 Ian Petersen

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