
>  It's just that no is saying you shouldn't either.

Obviously not! <g> The problem is that such a large proportion of the
messages on TB lists suffer from an overabundance of autogenerated

> Marck gave what I consider a valid
> reason for signing

PGP (or similar) sigs are unneccessary on public mailing lists because
everyone is equally unknown to everyone else. Whether we are who we say
we are is simply irrelevant. Even for moderators! The only thing that
really matters is the content of our messages. If the persons who use the
names "Allie Martin" or "Marck Pearlstone" appear to write useful
messages and moderate with moderation, then it's all the same to me who
or what is "behind" those names. You may be raving lunatics or aliens
from another dimension for all I care as long as your activity on this
list is relevant and useful. In the context of the list, a PGP sig only
proves someone is capable of installing and using PGP, and little else.

> How's my intro line for
> instance? Do you like it? :-)

Apart from the PGP bit it's beautifully restrained. <g>

> I can't shorten my signature any more though and it's well within the
> 6 line netiquette limit.

I always thought it was four lines, but never mind. Obviously, things
like sigs and cookies that come after the main message content are
less disrupting than stuff that comes before it.


 Ian Petersen

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