Hi All,

Was going to send this earlier, ran out of time, and the mysterious
vanishing emails ;)

I have setup a folder called TBUDL (guess what for? ;)).  At first I made
it a common folder, not nested under any accounts, but when I went to send
my first post to the list, it behaved rather oddly.  Instead of putting it
under the email account that the alias/identity for the folder matched, it
put it under a different one... the the list handler bounced the email as
it had the wrong From: on it (not the one subbed on the list), so I was
moving it into the account folder that I was subbed under.  It appears
when sending emails when you have the folder as common, it either randomly
picks, or uses the folder that is set to match the mailto field (which is
why I changed it, as an experiment).  Is it possible to set TB! to use a
specific account for common folders in replys/posts, or is TB! going to
randomly pick one?

If it isn't controllable, this may be something that the coders may wish
to consider for later development, just allow an extra drop down list on
the folders page that allows the user to select which account settings
they'd rather that folder use.  I can see that some people are going to
ask why am I not setting the folder under the account I want to use it
with... the main reason is this, I'm on a lot of mailling lists (maybe 30
or so).  Some of them can be grouped, such as interest, which is why I
made them common folders... and some of the lists with a common interest
(say UnderNet IRC network for example) have lists pointing to several
different accounts.  Normally I'd not have noticed this, but it only
happened because of this list ;)

Jonathan Angliss

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